Whilst rooting about in old notebooks to try and find a short story I am cannibalising, this old dream popped up. Normally they go in to the book to the right of the bed, but this one some how ended up in a Uni notebook from 2005, about ten pages before the aforementioned short (you can tell how much I enjoyed my 3rd year lectures). 'At a temple run by a friend. I am not religious, but I want to show his endeavour my support. Many faiths worship there. I am unsure what specific religions are involved. I am also apparently in some kind of homosexual relationship with the receptionist. The layout of the building is like that or the department of biology at the university of Northampton, but it sits on the site of The Barrels pub. The A505 has been replaced by allotments. One evening, there is an attack on the temple. A green eyed woman uses some sort of swirling blue fire to sweep away furniture etc. She sucks people in to a vacuum also. I escape via a half open window and take to t...
Random bits of construction and destruction...assorted shorter and shorter fiction lets call it. Mainly from being asleep.