Having worked in a supermarket for longer than I would have wanted, very few of my nocturnal wanderings take place in this space, which is definitely a good thing. These are the three I have written down in the past few years since starting work (and am now only part time thankfully). All of these seem to involve twilight, or an odd relationship with light, which I think is largely down to me working stupid hours.
Supermarket, shelves all higher than I expect. Some sort of scam is going on. To me 'Everything here is perfect'. How are they fiddling this? (I enjoy my lack of detail on what the scam is). A man, possibly the floor manager from TFI Friday whose name was/is Will, flies about on a hover fan type machine, inspecting things. My mum works there for an unexplained reason, and I tell her this 'Will' character is watching me. She tells me to look busy even though there is really nothing to do. Outside it seems like twilight or a late summers afternoon. Chris is there, but changes form often.
In the shop's warehouse, much larger and drawn out than in reality. Mary, the scum bag (in reality I don't think she is a scum bag, just a moany old cow), is looking for a complex computer box to control things. I wander around aimlessly. It is cold here, and often reminds me of parts of City 17. I stumble in to an unlit industrial sized fridge. Two people, possibly Joe and Michelle are in their chuckling about nothing in particular. An odd glow about the place. I refuse to walk in to the main part of the building.
In another supermarket, but one cluttered with pipes and shelves at odd angles. I eat a mushroom that has a blue pattern on the top. The space is being used for an art show, but all the regular shoppers go on buying things like there aren't huge constructs hanging, twinkling above them. All is mid evening. Mike is there, we haven't seen each other for years. I dont have enough time to talk to him.
Supermarket, shelves all higher than I expect. Some sort of scam is going on. To me 'Everything here is perfect'. How are they fiddling this? (I enjoy my lack of detail on what the scam is). A man, possibly the floor manager from TFI Friday whose name was/is Will, flies about on a hover fan type machine, inspecting things. My mum works there for an unexplained reason, and I tell her this 'Will' character is watching me. She tells me to look busy even though there is really nothing to do. Outside it seems like twilight or a late summers afternoon. Chris is there, but changes form often.
In the shop's warehouse, much larger and drawn out than in reality. Mary, the scum bag (in reality I don't think she is a scum bag, just a moany old cow), is looking for a complex computer box to control things. I wander around aimlessly. It is cold here, and often reminds me of parts of City 17. I stumble in to an unlit industrial sized fridge. Two people, possibly Joe and Michelle are in their chuckling about nothing in particular. An odd glow about the place. I refuse to walk in to the main part of the building.
In another supermarket, but one cluttered with pipes and shelves at odd angles. I eat a mushroom that has a blue pattern on the top. The space is being used for an art show, but all the regular shoppers go on buying things like there aren't huge constructs hanging, twinkling above them. All is mid evening. Mike is there, we haven't seen each other for years. I dont have enough time to talk to him.