Essentially I am using this as an area for storing a collection of nocturnal happenings in my brain. Sometimes, and it waxes and wanes over the year, I awake and write down what I've been thinking about whilst asleep. It's a bit more ethereal than simple chronicling, as I tend to be mostly asleep when it happens, and writing comes automatically to my fingers. Most of it is ache. However, patterns will emerge. These notes develop, eventually (and after a long process of twiddling, mastication and reconstruction), in to what is currently called The Last Night Tree. I will sometimes add brief notes/explanations to where certain items/instances have come from and why they are included. (?) indicates sections and ideas that I cannot presently recall, but apparently could at the time of writing. The only grammatical changes made to each entry are adding capital letters to the beginning of sentence which I am for some reason incapable of doing at random o'clock. I should point out that almost all of these ramblings happen in or around the same fictionalized city, which is an amalgam of the places I have lived in at various stages of my life. There are a few exceptions, this being one of them. For starters then...something short, and from the middle of the road, which happened as if being filmed.
'Escaping with huge amounts of money, driving in a small car, being pursued through down town Los Angeles. There is a quick transportation sequence, out to a few roads around Ramridge I think, where I learnt to drive. We (?) crash by a field and a lake, much like the previous encounter. Cut to a shot of three people, now as small wooden dolls, being set on fire. I assume this is me and my companions. Kevin Spacey is in charge of our swift dispatch (sic). Later, we wake up in a patch or clearing amongst grass, circled by tall trees. There is money scattered all about. My friends are all Tom Hanks'.
'Escaping with huge amounts of money, driving in a small car, being pursued through down town Los Angeles. There is a quick transportation sequence, out to a few roads around Ramridge I think, where I learnt to drive. We (?) crash by a field and a lake, much like the previous encounter. Cut to a shot of three people, now as small wooden dolls, being set on fire. I assume this is me and my companions. Kevin Spacey is in charge of our swift dispatch (sic). Later, we wake up in a patch or clearing amongst grass, circled by tall trees. There is money scattered all about. My friends are all Tom Hanks'.