I am genuinely unsure as to how I have forgotten about this monthly update for three months. I have Google calendar sending me reminders, and then I shunt them back. Oh. I see. My concern at present is that I haven't had any especially memorable dreams in the last few months, and as such my store of nocturnal exploration is looking a little sparse. Let's hope the terror that Christmas brings will help out some... Any way. This one followed a trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, as some of the locations were very similar (tall grasses, hot sand etc.) 'Cycling through the ruins of a medieval city, following Adam who disappears along an old anachronistic railway track. I’ve lost the bike somewhere, but I jog along a parallel line. Lots of tourists about, including a man named Euan who is following me. I am unsure how I know his name. He wears a boiler suit and looks like Phil Cornwell from Stella Street. I lose him in amongst some broken doors that a crowd are inexplicably...
Random bits of construction and destruction...assorted shorter and shorter fiction lets call it. Mainly from being asleep.