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Showing posts from August, 2012

Fifty One

'Spending time living in a valley, where the only access is one road in and out. Everyone I explain this to seems confused by how a road can only go in two directions, suggesting an understanding of directional space I am not privy to. In a hut on one side of the valley I find some serum in a jar that tells me if I drink it that I’ll forget whatever I’m dreaming about. I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland. In the valley bottom, I drink from the jar in front of a small circle of onlookers. Rather than forget, or mutate or something, what actually happens is the sky changes from blue to red, and the sun becomes a cut out child’s collage of various spiky colours, similar to the front cover of an album for Mount Vernon Art Labs which was designed by the friend of someone who once spoke to me at a conference, but subsequently abandoned in favour of Julian House's designs when the band released the record with Ghost Box. I also own a jeep.'