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Showing posts from 2012

Fifty Three

This is relatively recent, as it involve my office mate Bayo (who is perfectly decent chap despite my subconscious concerns)... 'Bayo has framed me for something by planting evidence in our office. The evidence is in a box, but I cannot see it. Barack Obama agrees to be my defence lawyer in the case that ensues, having lost the presidency to an undisclosed opponent. My defence involves running through a number of courtyard garden, one of which is reminiscent to UEA where I read Lanark and sat about a lot. I find my way in to a secret garden at some stage, where some ‘Unionists’ are hiding. We work on a plan to open the gardens to the public. Somehow, the problems generated by Bayo disappear.'

Fifty Two

I am genuinely unsure as to how I have forgotten about this monthly update for three months. I have Google calendar sending me reminders, and then I shunt them back. Oh. I see. My concern at present is that I haven't had any especially memorable dreams in the last few months, and as such my store of nocturnal exploration is looking a little sparse. Let's hope the terror that Christmas brings will help out some... Any way. This one followed a trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, as some of the locations were very similar (tall grasses, hot sand etc.) 'Cycling through the ruins of a medieval city, following Adam who disappears along an old anachronistic railway track. I’ve lost the bike somewhere, but I jog along a parallel line. Lots of tourists about, including a man named Euan who is following me. I am unsure how I know his name. He wears a boiler suit and looks like Phil Cornwell from Stella Street. I lose him in amongst some broken doors that a crowd are inexplicably...

Fifty One

'Spending time living in a valley, where the only access is one road in and out. Everyone I explain this to seems confused by how a road can only go in two directions, suggesting an understanding of directional space I am not privy to. In a hut on one side of the valley I find some serum in a jar that tells me if I drink it that I’ll forget whatever I’m dreaming about. I am reminded of Alice in Wonderland. In the valley bottom, I drink from the jar in front of a small circle of onlookers. Rather than forget, or mutate or something, what actually happens is the sky changes from blue to red, and the sun becomes a cut out child’s collage of various spiky colours, similar to the front cover of an album for Mount Vernon Art Labs which was designed by the friend of someone who once spoke to me at a conference, but subsequently abandoned in favour of Julian House's designs when the band released the record with Ghost Box. I also own a jeep.'


'I am working in a foundry for an unexplained reason. I am aware of my previous life, working at the University; it seems to still be continuing despite me not being present for it. A supervisor shows me and my fellow workers around the various jobs in the foundry. A co-worker comments that they already know this stuff. It is clearly aimed at me, as if they are being made to learn again because I have missed something. Time moves slowly – some of my co-workers have had two weeks additional training which I was apparently present for, but remember nothing of. I go to work hammering some miscellaneous metal. Whilst doing this I have flashbacks to my old life, complaining about something in the library. After work, the sun is setting over some scrapyards in the distance and I stroll away from the foundry. Behind me, the orange glow of the tanks bathes the yard in odd light, in front of me someone tries to turn a Ford Ka around so it can be parked between two giant metal drums.'

Forty Nine

'At the base of a hill, a river flows through a valley. Lee is there, and also someone who purports to be my mother but isn’t. We’re swimming with a number of other people, the water is high. People swim in a way akin to dogs. Lee suggests we need to get a boat for the next day’s voyage. The river is somehow dry, and tents have been set up. We wait in our tent for people to go to sleep, and then sneak out to steal a boat. The boats are stacked according to colour. I pick a blue one, and climb in trying to ascertain how people sit to row – it seems to involve crouching as there are no seats. The boat I have picked also has a hole in, but Lee assures me they all do. Later, we scrabble out searching for oars and have to settle on using two spades.'

Forty Eight

A number of nocturnal recollections have been floating in and out of view of late, mostly involving people I am vaguely familiar of from being an undergraduate (someone called Mark, who lived along Dereham Road, possibly a friend of Toby). This one, however, is a fortnight old, and features none of them. 'I have returned home, and plans are afoot for some sort of coastal based japes, possibly along the east coast near Cleethorpes from the look of a map I spy my brother perusing. Later, most people are gone, outside discussing the relative merits of certain forms of transportation. I couldn’t care less. Inside, in a house that is a combination of Chris’ nan’s/Stefan’s and somewhere I stayed on holiday as a child, Richard Bacon kicks around a variety of objects, including an old pair of my glasses, which he eventually crushes. I’m starting to go off the coastal idea. We are outside instead, by a large house in a field overlooked on all sides by cliffs. There is a game happening. It...

Forty Six and Forty Seven

Some how I missed March, so this is a double post to make up for the error. The first one is several years old, the second happened a few nights ago, which is clearly a reflection of my concern about given a conference paper on Monday. 'Toadfish, the Neighbours character, is dressed like something out of Miami Vice. He has a pony tail. He resembles himself ten years ago. I am guarding a woman who may/may not be Kristen, the woman Paul had an affair with. She is handcuffed to a pipe in a back room of the pub that used to be owned by Lou. Men are coming to get her. I hide in the building as they peak through the windows. Eventually one gets up the courage to come to the door. I greet him, saying ‘Look, this has happened once before, and I will kill every one of you.’ He takes no notice, so I pull a pipe on him, beat him and stab his associates. I am convinced this is a memory of something I have done before, except, of course, it is not.' 'In a long strange room, similar to s...

Forty Five

Last night: 'Something wakes me, and I look out the window to see our garden has been territorialized by an unknown neighbour. A sign is on the lawn saying 'Until June/July 2011' (I am not confused by this). There are dog toys spread about the place and a large looking dog who moves around in his sleep as I inspect the garden. Later, inside, I hear the neighbours and their kid discussion technological purchases. I instantly loathe them. I am up at the front room window when a car pulls up and a number of people jump out and run in to the houses opposite. This is quickly followed by a number of police cars and an armed response unit which attacks a door and promptly falls through in to the cellar of one of the buildings. The flashing lights of the cars are an unusual red and purple. There is a lot of shouting and the sound of small arms fire in the distance. Zoe, woken by the commotion, comes to the window. 'What is going on?' she asks. 'They're looking for m...

Forty Four

In the house, in the city, but the upstairs has changed radically, floorboards replaced with cushions and tiles. Some people are preparing for a trip. Michelle is one, another resembles Alex, but through the melted glass his face is obscured. Also, he wears a hat. Michelle is looking for Chris, he is nowhere to be seen. He was around earlier but left, dressed in a long beige overcoat, the stereotypical look of a private dick. I try to assist the search for the unexplained trip, but am prevented from doing so by boxes cluttering the stairway.