This comes from a collection of various night-thought that I made whilst at University (the first time), and as such I have no knowledge or memory of it, owing to its place in the past (alongside someone called Kate who liked Gordon Brown and thought we should all give him a chance, a pub called The Black Horse, and the consumption of a meal in several stages [which is not the same as eating several courses]). It must have happened because here it is, we can all see it. 'On a trip to Africa [non specific]. Running around the grassland/savannah trying to find our lodge. I'm quite fast; I don't understand why everyone is following the same path. The countryside looks amazing, but in retrospect not that different to here. Every now and again someone distant laughs at me, but I pay no attention [though apparently enough to note it down]. I remember, on reaching the lodge, that I'd given my bag to a black guy to take for me. Where is it? Zoe shows me where it is, basically w...
Random bits of construction and destruction...assorted shorter and shorter fiction lets call it. Mainly from being asleep.